S-38.116 Teletietotekniikka
Teletekniikan laboratorio
Teknillinen korkeakoulu
March 27, 1996

Data Security

Kengatharan Sivalingam <siva@cs.hut.fi>

Table of contents:
0. - Glossary
1. - Introduction
2. - Cryptographic Systems
2.1. - Symmetric Ciphers
2.2. - Asymmetric Ciphers
2.2.1. - Public-Key Cryptography
2.3. - Authentication Methods
2.3.1. - Digital Signatures
2.4. - Attacks on Cryptosystems
3. - Standards and Algorithms
3.1. - DES
3.2. - IDEA
3.3. - RC2 and RC4
3.4. - RSA
4. - Case Studies
4.1. - Secure Electronic Mail: Pretty Good Privacy
4.2. - Secure Computer Communication: The Ssh
4.3. - Secure Money Transaction: The ECash
5. - Conclusion

0. Glossary

A block of data or sequence of bits that are usually stored or transmitted together.

A method of cryptography by applying to the letters or digits of the plaintext.

The enciphered form of data.

The science which includes all aspects of cryptography and cryptoanalysis.

Any adversary of the system.

A statement "modulo m" means that arithmetic with m as modulus is being used.

Changing the order of a set of data elements.

Message or data which are in their normal, readable (not crypted) form.

Power function
The function a^n is the nth power of a.

Time stamp
A value inserted in a message to give the time at which the message was originated.

1. Introduction

Currently millions of people around the world use computer networks to communicate. People send electronic mails, do bank transactions or access confidential data. Because the usage of computer networks increases, the need to develop techniques to secure user data also grows.

But life is not easy. Developing a security technique has to pass many tests before it is accepted and legally used. The governments of many countries do not like the idea that techniques, which are developed to protect an individual's data, are very strong. Because, they like to have access to each and every every person's data whenever they want. It is justified by claiming that criminal and other illegal organizations might use such strong techiniques in their activities.

This is a study on data security methods, mainly cryptographic techniques. Section 2 introduces main cryptographic systems available and Section 3 discusses a few important algorithms and standards. In Section 4, we explore three different fields of communication using example security implementations. Section 5 concludes the discussion.

2. Cryptographic Systems

Cryptographic systems can be divided using the methods they use to crypt or the purposes for which they are used. This section gives an account on different cryptographic systems. In the final part, we also analyze different attacking techniques used in cryptanalysis.

2.1. Symmetric Ciphers

Symmetric cryptic systems use a key for encrypting data and the same key is also used to decrypt the data.

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If two parties use a symmetric encryption technique for communication between them, the key, which is used to encrypt the data, must be passed safely to the second party for decryption.

In some systems, a pair of keys are used for encryption and decryption. Here the sender and receiver agree on some encrypt/decrypt key pair. There are also systems where the receiver is able to calculate the decryption key from the encryption key.

In symmetric ciphers transporting keys is risky, and therefore there must be a secure channel between the sender and receiver in order to pass keys safely.

2.2. Asymmetric Ciphers

Asymmetric systems use different keys for encryption and decryption. Both the encryption and decryption keys are related but one key is not deducible from the other. There is no need to pass the key to the sender in order to decrypt a message.

2.2.1. Public-Key Cryptography

In 1976 Diffie and Hellman proposed a new kind of cipher system where the sender and receiver use different keys for encryption and decryption. This system is called public-key cipher. The encipherment key is public and anyone can use it to crypt messages which are meant for a particular user.

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2.3. Authentication Methods

Authentication methods are used to verify the integrity of data in communication channels. There are two different cases found in authentication: user authentication and message authentication. User authentication is usually implemented using a user's specific characteristics, e.g. digital signature. In message authentication, a prearranged structure of the message is used to verify the genuineness.

2.3.1. Digital Signatures

Digital signature systems are implemented mainly using public-key ciphers. A digital signature is a block of data which is generated by the sender of a message using her secret key. The public key of the user is later used by the receiver to verify whether the message is signed by that particular user. Digital signatures can also be used to time-stamp documents. Time-stamps are used in documents to certify that the document existed in some certain time.

2.4. Attacks on Cryptosystems

Cryptanalysis is the art of deciphering encrypted communications without knowing the proper keys [2]. In cryptanalysis, different techniques are used to attack an encryption system. The following list shows the important ones among them:

  • Ciphertext-only attack
    The attacker gets a ciphertext and tries to find the corresponding plaintext.

  • Known-plaintext attack
    The attacker has some plaintext and its matching ciphertext. The task is to find a key corresponding to this match.

  • Chosen-plaintext attack
    Here, the attacker selects a plaintext and ciphers it using the cryptotechinque he attacks. The plaintext may be chosen to ease the task of key finding.

3. Standards and Algorithms

Different standards and algorithms have been in use for building data security tools. These algorithms use different techniques to crypt/decrypt data. Some algorithms use a fixed block of data and transform it into another block using a selected key. These algorithms are known as block ciphers. Algorithms can also be grouped under key using techniques, as we discussed in the previous section, as symmetrical and public-key algorithms.

In this section, we explore a few algorithms which have been widely accepted and used for implementing cryptographic systems.

3.1. DES

The Data Encryption Standard (DES) has been a worldwide standard for over 15 years [6]. It is a block algorithm. The encryption algorithm of DES was developed at IBM in 1970s.

The same algorithm is used in DES for both encryption and decryption. An encryption (or decryption) operation takes two 64-bit inputs, the plaintext (or ciphertext) and the encipherment key block, and produces one 64-bit output, the ciphertext (or plaintext). Only 56 bits of the key block is directly used for encryption by the algorithm. The remaining 8 bits of the key block are used as parity bits for the each 8-bit byte of the key block.

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The algorithm uses permutations, substitutions and modulo-2 additions for encryption. Permutations in the DES are of three kinds: straight, expanded and permutated choice. Straight permutation simply reorders bits. In the expanded permutation, some bits are duplicated and the result is reorderd. The permutated choice ignores some bits are and reorders the remainder.

Substitutions are known as S-boxes and are specified by eight different tables. The S-boxes have 6-bit inputs and 4-bit outputs.

After an initial permutation the 64-bit input is broken into left and right blocks, each 32-bit long. Then there are 16 rounds of identical operations in which the data is combined with the key. After the final round, both blocks are joined and an final permutation is applied to it.

3.2. IDEA

The first version of the International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA) was developed at ETH Zürich, Switzerland in 1990 by Xuejia Lai and James Massey. It is considered one of the best and most secure algorithm currently available to the public [6]. IDEA also is a block cipher. As DES, it also operates on 64-bit plaintext blocks, but the key used in the algorithm is 128 bits long. IDEA uses XOR, addition (modulo 2^16) and multiplication (modulo 2^16 + 1) operations.

Because IDEA is fairly new algorithm, no practical attacks on it have been yet published. IDEA is patented in the United States and in most of the European countries. Non-commercial use of IDEA is free [2].

3.3. RC2 and RC4

The algorithms RC2 and RC4 are designed by RSA Data Security, Inc. It uses variable-size keys for encryption. The implementation details of the algorithms have not been published.

RC2 encrypts data in blocks of 64 bits and uses mix-and-mash operations. RC4 is a stream cipher. In RC4, the output of a pseudo random generator is XOR-ed with the data stream.

The RC algorithms are very fast. According to the company, the RC2 is three times and RC4 ten times faster than DES. Their speed is independent of the key's size. Even if the official source code is not available, there have been attempts to produce equivalent source of the algorithms.

The United States government allows only the 40 bit version (RC4-40) to export. Inside the united states, many products use the 128 bit version (RC4-128). Popular Web browser Netscape(tm) uses a protocol, called the SSL, to pass confidential data, such as credit card numbers. This protocol is based on RC4 algorithm. Recently the export version of the cipher, RC4-40, has been broken by at least two independent groups. The cracking process took about eight days using the computing power which is currently available in many universities and companies!

3.4. RSA

The Rivest-Shamir-Adelman (RSA) is, probably, the most important and widely used public-key algorithm. The algorithm is patented in the USA and free else ware [2]. The algorithm uses the power function for both the encipherment and decipherment. At present, 512 bit keys are considered weak, 1024 bits or more are considered secure enough for most purposes.

Encipherment: y = x^e, (modulo m)

Decipherment: x = y^d, (modulo m)


  • x is the plaintext
  • e is the public key
  • y is the ciphertext
  • d is the secret key

The modulo m used here is obtained by using two large prime numbers, p and q, different from each other. The security of RSA relies on the difficulty of factoring large integers. The receiver publishes the m as part of the public key but keeps p and q secret.

An attack, called attack by iteration, exists for the RSA. In this attack, the ciphertext is repeatedly crypted until we get the ciphertext again as the result. Note that to apply this attack, the enemy does not need to know the key or the primes p and q. The following example illustrates this technique using small numbers:

3^9 = 18, 18^9 = 12, 12^9 = 4, 4^9 = 13, 13^9 = 3 (modulo 23)

Here, public-key e is 9 and ciphertext y = 3. After five iterations, it is revealed that the plaintext is 13. According to the authors of the algorithm, this attack can be eliminated by carefully choosing the prime factors p and q [3].

4. Case Studies

In this section, we have a closer look into some software packages which are currently popular and use algorithms explained in the previous sections. These programs have been chosen in a way that they are used for different areas in data security.

4.1. Secure Electronic Mail: Pretty Good Privacy

Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) is a public domain program designed by Philip Zimmermann to encrypt e-mails and files. PGP can also be used produce digital signatures. This software is available for many platforms: e.g., Unix, VMS, PC and Mac.

PGP uses IDEA for data encryption and RSA for key management. In file encryption, PGP compresses the file before encrypts it. PGP is not a user friendly program. It doesn't have menus or buttons. The current interface is a Unix style command line program. But many mailers, such as emacs and pine, support PGP.

PGP provides user encryption close to military-grade [6]. The US government filed a lawsuit against the author for illegally "exporting" PGP via Internet in 1991. But recently all charges against him were dropped.

The rest of this section shows how PGP can be used to create keys and later use them to decrypt and sign messages.

  • Create your own key pair (Creating keys is the first step in using PGP)
    pgp -kg

  • Sign your own key
    pgp -ks your-key-id -u your-key-id

  • Extract your public key (To allow others to send you encrypted messages, you must give them your public key. As a result of the following command, PGP places your key into file)
    pgp -kx[a] your-id file

  • Add a public key to your keyring (Place the public key of your friend into file and run the following command)
    pgp -ka file

  • View the contents of your key ring (The following command shows all the keys found in your key ring)
    pgp -kv

  • Encrypt a file (The following encrypts a file using your friend's public key)
    pgp -e[a] file friend's-id

  • Decrypt a file (Decrypt a file which is encrypted using your public key)
    pgp crypted-file

  • Remove a public key (Remove your friend's public key from your keyring)
    pgp -kr friend's-id

  • Sign a text file (Create a digital signature for a text file using your public key)
    pgp -st[a] text-file -u your-key-id

  • Verify a signed file
    pgp signed-text-file

4.2. Secure Computer Communication: The Ssh

Secure Shell (Ssh) protocol was developed by Tatu Ylönen at the Helsinki University of Technology in 1995. It is intended as a replacement for Unix computer communication programs, such as rlogin, rsh and rcp.

Ssh enables a user to log into another computer over a network, to execute commands in a remote machine and to move files from one machine to another. The protocol provides strong authentication and secure communication over insecure channels. Ssh also provides secure X connections and secure forwarding of arbitrary TCP connections [7].

Ssh uses RSA for authentication. Each user creates a public/private key pair using the Ssh tool ssh-keygen. The secret and public keys are saved in the files .ssh/identity and .ssh/identity.pub respectively. Now the user should copy the public key to .ssh/authorized_keys to her home directory on remote machines. After this, the user does not have to give her password to log into that particular remote machine.

When the user tries to login to a remote machine, the server checks the key pair of the user. It sends the user a challenge, a random number, encrypted by the user's public key. The challenge can only be decrypted using matching secret key. If the user succeeds to decrypt it, she is allowed to log in without password verification. Note that the key verification is done automatically by Ssh on behalf of the user. If authentication fails, then the user is asked to give password.

All communications, including password sent to the remote machine, are encrypted. All communication with the remote command or shell is automatically encrypted. The X11 connection is automatically forwarded and X11 programs started from the shell command will go through the encrypted channel.

Ssh allows the user to choose the algorithm used for encryption. The current version supports IDEA, DES, RC4-128, 3DES and TSS. Ssh uses IDEA as default. If the user wants, she can also turn off encryption. The algorithm may also be selected on a per-host basis using the configuration file.

One may expect that the encryption of a communication channel might slow down the data transfer. Because of efficient implementation, the initial results show that Ssh can compete with traditional communication programs. The speed also depends on the algorithm chosen for encryption. Among the currently available algorithms, RC4 is the fastest.

Ssh is available for many Unix platforms. Also, there are preliminary versions for OS/2 and Windows. Ssh can be used freely for non-commercial purposes.

4.3. Secure Money Transaction: The ECash

After the evolution of WWW, interest in providing commercial services in Internet has been growing constantly. For commercial services, there must be available a secure system which can be used for money transaction via networks. With such a system, one can buy a software, order books or pay money for accessing a database. This section describes a money transaction system, ECash, developed by Digicash [4].

Money withdrawal

Digital coins are messages which include string of digits, where each string corresponds to a different coin. During a withdrawal, the bank creates unique blank coins and validates them with special digital stamp. This allows the bank to recognized a particular customer's coins when she does a purchase.

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Digital coins are used when a customer withdraws money from the bank. Money is taken from the customer's account and stored on her hard disk along with some coins she already has.

Purchase using ECash

Click here for picture

A customer, with digital coins, can do purchasing through networks. When the customer decides to buy something from a shop, she selects the amount of money out of her account and sends it to the shop. The ECash software, which maintains customer's money transaction, now removes equivalent digital coins from her account after money is sent.

The shop, which receives the money from the customer, sends received coins to the bank for verification. To make sure that each coin is used only once, the bank maintains a spent coin database. If a shop requests verification for some coins, the bank checks corresponding coins in their spent database where the serial numbers of all the used coins are kept. If the bank does not find the numbers in the database, it informs the shop that the payment is valid.

ECash uses public-key cryptography and digital signature techniques to achieve high security in money transactions over computer networks. During a payment, the identity of the payer can be kept secret. This technique is called blind signature [1] and it is an extension of digital signature. According to Digicash, the ECash is currently tested by about 30,000 people around the world.

5. Conclusion

No security technique does provide 100% data security. But there are many techniques available which give a good security in different areas of computer communication. But, because the computing power is always increasing rapidly and computer systems get cheaper, attacking techniques also get developed efficiently. Therefore, data security systems have to be under continuous development in order to achieve future needs.


  1. Chaum D. Achieving Electronic Privacy, Scientific American, August 1992.

  2. Cryptography.

  3. Davies, D. W., Price, W. L. Security for Computer Networks, Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 1989.

  4. ECash Home Page.

  5. The International PGP Home Page.

  6. Schneier, B. Applied Cryptography, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1994.

  7. Ssh (Secure Shell) Home Page.
