TKK | Tietoverkkolaboratorio | Opetus

S-38.121 Routing in Communication Networks (2 cr)

Fall 2002


The course contains 5 exercises. Exercises are distributed in English and the exercises lectures are also given in English.


You can get extra point for the exam from 5 exercises. The exercise points are determined by the follwing equation:
exercise_points = 8 *  - 4  ( Xi: your points gotten in the i-th exercise.)
If you neglect the exercises altogether you get 4 points reduction in your exam score. To be able to start from zero you have correctly solve 50% of the exercises. The successfull completion of all exercises results you 4 additional points to the exam.


Exercise Number
Model Answer
Exercise 1
Wed 25.9.2002 at 8:00
Exercise 2
Wed 2.10.2002 at 8:30
Exercise 3
Wed 9.10.2002 at 8:30
Exercise 4
Wed 23.10 at 8:30
Exercise 5
Wed 30.10 at 8:30
The final grading result of exercises is here.
You must return your answers of the exercises before the following exercise lecture begins. For example, you should submit your answer of exercise 1 before the lecture of exercise 2 begins.
You may bring your answers to the exercise class, submit to the mailbox or send email to the assistant. The mailbox of S-38.121 is located in the corridor of 2nd floor near the G-wing.
You don't have to submit answers to exercises marked with demo.

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Sivua on viimeksi päivitetty 29.08.2003 16:57.
[ TKK > Sähkö- ja tietoliikennetekniikan osasto > Tietoverkkolaboratorio > Opetus ]
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