TKK | Tietoverkkolaboratorio | Opetus

S-38.166  Televälitysjärjestelmien ohjelmointi (2 ov)

How to find to Ericsson

Check the map and the more detailed map !

By Car

From Helsinki/Otaniemi drive Länsiväylä (road 51) in the direction of Hanko.

After you have passed the end of Kehä III start looking for a crossroads with traffic lights. It is the crossraods that is in the  maps above the one close to Shell.

Turn left.

Park your car into the large parking area.

Walk to the front door and tell in the information desk that you have arrived.

By bus

The bus leaves from platform 30 in Helsinki (Kamppi). The best bus leaves at 8:30 and arrives to Jorvas at about 9:10. You should see traffic lights, a bridge and then the Ericsson building on the left hand (see the map). The bus is the only Wikström Oy bus that leaves from the platform at 8:30.

By train

The L-train leaves from Helsinki at 8:34 and arrives to Jorvas at 9:15. Go to the other side of the track and under the brigde. You can then see the building from the hill. The walk from Jorvas station to Ericsson takes about 5 minutes. (see the map)

How to get Home?

On Monday, transport will be arranged to Otaniemi and Helsinki after the evening program.

The L-trains leave from Jorvas at 15:13, 15:45, 16:13, 16:45, 18:13, 19:13, 20:01, 20:13, 21.13 and 22.13. 

The bus leaves from near the Ericsson building at 15:15, 15:40 and 16:05. There are also buses at 16:25, 17:20 and 18:15. 

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Sivua on viimeksi päivitetty 19.11.1999 17:01.
[ TKK > Sähkö- ja tietoliikennetekniikan osasto > Tietoverkkolaboratorio > Opetus ]
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