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Efficient implementation of a loss system simulator in C

Description of the Program

This is a program for simulating blocking probabilities in a multiservice loss system. The program implements a inverse convolution method described in [1].
This program replaces the old version that used to be available on this site.

Copyright Information

The program has resulted from the work conducted within the framework of the COM2 project funded by the Academy of Finland. The program can be used and modified freely. No claims are made about the correctness of the program and no liability is taken for any damage caused by the use of the program in the library.

The C program has been written by Jan Hlinovsky, based on earlier versions in Mathematica and Matlab by P. Lassila and J. Virtamo.

The Code

  • For UNIX users: netwsim2.tar.Z (The package includes some example input files, as well.)
  • (Or the ASCII source files can be accessed one-by-one: README, ini.h, read.h, simu.h, structs.h ini.c, read.c, simu.c, main.c and Makefile.)

    Reports of bugs in the program will be gratefully received by

    Notes for use

    See the README file for instructions on compiling and using the program.


    [1] P. Lassila, J. Virtamo, "Nearly Optimal Importance Sampling for Monte Carlo Simulation of Loss Systems", to appear in ACM TOMACS, January 2001.

    The paper is available on COM2 project's home page

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    Sivua on viimeksi päivitetty 11.10.2000 16:06.
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